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Wasser et al., 2010. Elephants, Ivory, and Trade

Wasser et al., 2010. Elephants, Ivory, and Trade
Wasser et al., 2010. Elephants, Ivory, and Trade
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395.07 kB
11 March 2010
4306 x

Samuel Wasser, Joyce Poole, Phyllis Lee, Keith Lindsay, Andrew Dobson, John Hart, Iain Douglas-Hamilton, George Wittemyer, Petter Granli, Bethan Morgan, Jody Gunn, Susan Alberts, Rene Beyers, Patrick Chiyo, Harvey Croze, Richard Estes, Kathleen Gobush, Ponjoli Joram, Alfred Kikoti, Jonathan Kingdon, Lucy King, David Macdonald, Cynthia Moss, Benezeth Mutayoba, Steve Njumbi, Patrick Omondi, Katarzyna Nowak. 2010. Elephants, Ivory, and Trade: Trade decisions made by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species must place science over politics. Science (327) 1331-1332.

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